Karmveer Kakasaheb Wagh III Smriti Chashak Spardha (Prize Distribution ceremony)
Hon. Dr. Mahendra Mahajan & Hon. Dr. Hitendra Mahajan International Cycle resar inaugurating the function of "Karmveer Kakasaheb Wagh III rd Smriti Chashak Spardha" With Hon. Mr. Ajinkya Wagh.
| Hon. Dr. Mahendra Mahajan being felicitated by Hon. Mr. Ajinkya Wagh
Hon. Dr. Hitendra Mahajan being felicitated by Hon. Mr. Ajinkya Wagh.
| Hon. Dr. Hitendra Mahajan addressing the players and the audience.
Hon. Mr. Ajinkya Wagh addressing and giving the message to the players and the audience.
| The Winners and the runners with the Karmveer Kakasaheb Wagh III Smriti Chashak Spardha tropies respectively.